This document describes some important things about using the Helsinki CD-ROM. First: You can exit this program anytime by typing CONTROL-Q (in Macintosh COMMAND-Q). Another key to remember is "h", pressing this will take you back to main menu where ever you are. Using these keys is not mandatory though as normally you can use onscreen buttons to navigate. Platforms: the Helsinki-CD-ROM runs in computers using Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 operating systems and in Macintosh computers. Monitors should have 640x480 resolution and 256 colours (running program with monitor set to thousands of colours may reduce image quality). A sound card and loudspeakers are necessary. Contents: The Helsinki cd-rom consists of twenty photographic stories. Most of the stories are self-running "slideshows", some stories contain buttons you have to click to get ahead. Two stories (Intersections and The War) have their own submenus from where you can choose a subtopic to view. Each of the revolving buttons of the main menu leads to a story, and by positioning the cursor over a button you can see the contents of that story. When you click the button the story begins. The Helsinki cd-rom also includes fourteen packets of information about different topics: the area, population, culture, and economy of Helsinki. You can access these sections by clicking the buttons in the lower part of the menu interface. There also are a few text buttons in the main menu: "help", which takes you to online help; "English/Suomeksi", which lets you change language in use; "©", which displays credits; and "quit", which exits the program. Within stories there may be buttons like: "[helsinki]", which takes you back to the main menu "next", which takes you forward to the next screen; and "previous", which takes you back to the previous screen. When viewing panoramic images, you can use arrow buttons to rotate the view. All stories do not have push buttons. These stories run automatically from the beginning to the end and then return to the main menu. You can press the h-key to abort the current story at any time and to return to the main menu. If you want to pause and look more closely at a screen, press the space bar. The story continues after you press the space bar a second time. When you pause, the sound stops too, and starts up again when you continue. Additionally, you can click the mouse button if you want to jump immediately to the next screen, for example when you have finished reading the text on the screen. That way you can also skip the animation when you launch this program. This function is only active when there are no other buttons shown on the screen. You can exit this program by using the quit button in the main menu or by typing Control-Q (in Windows) or Command-Q (Macintosh).